Our brand-new Medical Centre which opened in March 2025, is a space designed to provide high-quality, culturally safe healthcare for our community.
Our incredible Health Team offered their invaluable input and expertise into the design process, shaping the layout of clinical rooms, staff spaces, and overall functionality ensures this facility meets the needs of both our team and our community. Read more here.
Heywood Medical Centre
20 Hunter St
Heywood VIC 3304
P 03 5527 0060
Hamilton Medical Clinic
107 Thompson St
Hamilton VIC 3300
P 03 5527 0090
Monday to Friday
9am - 5pm
Please note GP hours vary. Contact reception for current schedule.
Dr Nicole Kerr
Dr Vikram Singh (locum)
To view important information as a client visiting Winda-Mara's Medical Clinics, click here.
Outside of our access to local General Practitioners who provide high quality, culturally safe primary health care, we have many other services available to our community giving them the best opportunities to take care of and manage their health for positive outcomes.
Dieticians are experts in food and nutrition. They provide guidance about how to appropriately manage diets and nutrition for people who may be affected by health conditions such as diabetes, overweight and obesity, cancer, heart disease, renal disease, gastro-intestinal diseases and food allergies.
Dr. Danielle Lee services Winda-Mara clients monthly in Hamilton.
Optometrists are experts in eye health, trained to prescribe spectacles and contact lenses and treat a range of eye conditions such as dry eye, allergies and infections.
Optometrists provide a wide range of services including vision testing, prescription of glasses and/or contact lenses, and assessments.
Winda-Mara are currently serviced monthly by Dr Glenn Howell in Hamilton and members of the Penry Rousten Optometrist team in Heywood.
Podiatry is the prevention, diagnosis treatment and rehabilitation of medical and surgical conditions of the feet and lower limbs. The podiatry service aims to improve mobility and enhance the independence of individuals by prevention and management of foot problems.
Winda-Mara are currently serviced monthly by the Western District Health Service team in Hamilton.
Audiologists are experts who can help to prevent, diagnose, and treat hearing and balance disorders for people of all ages. Audiologists provide professional and personalised services to improve persons’ involvement in important activities in their lives and better their quality of life.
Winda-Mara are currently serviced by Hearing Australia once a month alternating between Heywood and Hamilton.
Our massage services are available monthly in both Heywood and Hamilton.
Monthly appointments are available for community with respiratory issues or concerns at the Western District Health Service in Hamilton.
Winda-Mara offers monthly transport for local community members to attend the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) for no-cost dental appointments.
Through Heywood Rural Health we have the opportunity to attend fortnightly sessions with their Dietitian and Diabetes Educator.
Youth Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Mental Health First Aid
General counselling for children and adolescents both in school settings and centre based
Supporting engagement in the Holiday Program
Supporting with school engagement strategies
Mental health and AOD carers support group
Yarn SMART Recovery (Fridays 11am in Hamilton)
AOD holistic health
NDIS counselling, GP Mental Health Care Plan (GPMHCP)
20 Hunter St
Heywood VIC 3304
P 03 5527 0060
107 Thompson St
Hamilton VIC 3300
P 03 5527 0090
SEWB Mob 0429 961 474
If you are in immediate danger call Triple Zero (000)
Brother to Brother 24hr Crisis Line | 1800 435 799
Thirilli | 1800 805 801
Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800
Yarning Safe N Strong | 1800 959 563
1800 RESPECT | 1800 737 732
QLife | 1800 184 527 | webchat
Djirra | 1800 105 303
Headspace | 1800 650 890
Winda-Mara respects your rights and encourages people visiting the clinic to provide feedback about the services they received during their visit.
These experiences can provide Winda-Mara will the assurance that our services are meeting the community needs or provide direction for improvement.
Feedback can be provided online at www.windamara.com.au/feedback or forms are located at our Reception. Completed forms can be handed to staff or placed in the suggestion box. Should a client prefer to provide feedback in person, a Winda-Mara staff member may be approached.
Our aim is to empower our client’s self-determination by enhancing their skills, strengths and cultural values. Winda-Mara recognises holistic healing and the resilience of community to recover from intergenerational trauma and racial intolerance using Indigenous concepts of health, outcome measures, and the principles of social & emotional wellbeing.
Appointment times are 60 minute for counselling.
Walk-ins will be triaged as needed.
Home visits are available following a risk assessment.
Please note that you will be contacted by phone for your scheduled appointment and will receive a reminder via SMS.
Winda-Mara values the rights of its members, clients, staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors to feel safe and be treated with respect. To ensure this, all who access Winda-Mara are to apply with our Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct can be provided or visit www.windamara.com/codeofconduct
Winda-Mara complies with the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
The Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program aims to improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by reducing the prevalence of tobacco use through population health promotion activities.
Winda-Mara's health team is passionate about reducing smoking rates amongst the community, so mob can live longer healthier lives.
37% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over reported that they currently smoked daily.
Smoking causes many health problems, there is no safe level of smoking that is risk free. If you want to QUIT today, please contact your local GP for advice and support.

Aunty Deb has been smoke-free since 2018 after accessing the Tackling Indigenous Smoking Program at Winda-Mara.
We were able to provide support to her through counselling, offering advice, and providing resources to encourage her to quit.
Her motivation to quit was to still be around to see her grandkids grow.
A proud moment was shared between 3 generations when she got to witness her son Leroy and grandson Regan play their first football game together for Heywood Football Netball Club.
Aunty Deb said “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t quit smoking”
As one of our success stories, Aunty Deb hopes to inspire others to quit smoking.
For support to start your Quit journey, please visit Winda-Mara or call Quitline 13 78 48.
Imagine if you didn't Quit smoking. Contact Winda-Mara to help get you started. Ph: 5527 0000
To make an appointment please call Heywood 03 5527 0060 or Hamilton 03 5527 0090
We do operate on a booking system, however bookings will be proritised according to urgency. Longer consultations are available if required, these are recommended for people with complex medical issues, please request this when making your appointment.
Walk ins are available and will be triaged as per standard practice and will be given the next appropriate appointment.
After Hours
In case of an emergency call 000
If you are requiring Medical assistance after hours please call your local hospital
Your Personal Health Information
Your Medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this Practice to maintain security of your personal health information and to ensure that this information is only available to certain authorized members of the Health team. For further information in regards to privacy please ask a member of staff for a copy of the privacy policy.
Medical tests can take a few days for the results to be known. For test results to be received a follow up appointment should be made with the Doctor to discuss.
This information is not given out over the phone.
Contacting the Doctors by Telephone
Our doctors will accept phone calls within normal clinic times, however we will not interrupt if the doctor is in consultation with a patient. A staff member will take a message and the Doctor will call you back when available. The Aboriginal health Workers and Practice Nurse are available and may be able to help you out.
Recalls and Reminders
We may issue you with a reminder notice at times to ensure your healthcare needs are being addressed. These may be for things such as follow up care, appointment reminders, preventative care. If you receive a letter please contact the clinic to make an appointment ASAP.
Transport is available to Community members for medical and specialist services. If you wish to book transport for an appointment please contact our reception staff.
Patients with a Medicare card are bulk billed for services covered by Medicare rebates. Patients who don’t have a Medicare card will be charged a fee for their consultation. If you don’t hold a Medicare card please contact reception and they will advise you of any charges that me be incurred.
Complaints & Feedback
If you have any concerns please let us know!
We respect the right for all clients and Community members to have confidential and constructive ways of providing feedback, both positive and negative.
A feedback form is available at reception or available at www.windamara.com.au/feedback
Completed forms may be given to staff or placed in the suggestions box at reception.
If you wish to make your complaint about the Health Service in person, you can speak to your Winda-Mara worker, another familiar Winda-Mara worker that you are happy to talk with, the program coordinator, the General Manager of Operations or the Chief Executive Officer.
If you are dissatisfied with our response you are entitled to raise the complaint with the:
Health Services Commissioner of Victoria
Level 30, 570 Bourke St
Melbourne Vic 3000
Telephone: 03 86015222